Responsive Web Design Essentials Learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap from scratch


The main goal of learning the basics of front-end development was to understand how websites are structured and built and to develop literacy in coding. While taking the course, I learned the basic concept of HTML/CSS, responsive design, and BootStrap and practiced them by building four different web pages as part of class projects. As a result, I became able to read and understand HTML/CSS code and build a simple website from scratch.

  • Period :

    Feb - Apr 2020

  • Practice :


  • Course :

    Responsive Web Design Essentials — HTML 5 CSS3 Bootstrap by Daniel Walter Scott (Udemy)



The main motivation for learning front-end web development was to get a handle on how websites are built so that I can design and build them better. The specific learning goals were as follows:

  • 1. Understand how websites are developed

  • 2. Develop literacy in coding

  • 3. Become able to build a simple website from scratch

Learning Journey

Learning journey map


Class Projects: Learning through Practice

While taking the course, I worked on four class projects which enabled me to practice what I learned. Click on the links below to find out the completed projects:


Reflecting on What I Learned

  • Gained understanding on how websites are built

    I tended to stick to safe and familiar options when designing interfaces because I concerned about feasibility. As I learned front-end web development, I got the hang of how they are built and cleared doubts on feasibility issues of digital products.

  • Became able to build a simple website from scratch

    I can build a simple static website from scratch. After finishing the course, I built the initial version of this portfolio website.

  • Developed literacy in code

    I became able to utilize Chrome DevTools, read written codes, and understand how the websites are structured based on them.
