JavaScript Learning JS fundamentals and modern JS (ES6+)


Following the completion of basic HTML/CSS course and advanced CSS course, I am currently taking an online JavaScript course. The main objective is to learn how to make websites interactive by adding functionality.

  • Period :

    Dec 2020 - present

  • Practice :


  • Course :

    The Complete JavaScript Course 2021: From Zero to Expert! by Jonas Schmedtmann (Udemy)



One of my primary motivations for learning JavaScript is to learn a programming language that I can utilize in my professional field. I have experience in utilizing Arduino and learning C and Java, but I wanted to learn a programming language that is more closely related to front-end design. Besides, I found that learning JavaScript will be beneficial to better utilize HTML/CSS. I set the goal of making the website interactive by adding functionality with JavaScript as a learning outcome.

Learning Journey

Learning journey map


Class Projects: Learning through Practice

Up until now, I have worked on three class projects which enabled me to practice what I have been learning. Click on the links below to find out the completed projects (more projects to come!):


Reflecting on What I Learned

This section will be updated once I finish the course!